Tag: DC

Sensorless FOC 3 Phase Low Power Brushless BLDC Motor Driver
Driving a 3-phase brushless DC motor is very easy with this project. It is a simple and easy-to-build project that requires only a few external components. The circuit is based on AMT49400 IC which is an advanced 3-phase, Sensorless, brushless DC (BLDC) motor driver with integrated...
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Free Elektor Project: Inrush Current Limiter (Soft Starter) for AC and DC Loads
Inrush current/Switch-ON surge is the maximal instantaneous input current drawn by an electrical device when first turned on. Inrush current is much higher than the load’s steady-state current and that’s the source of many problems such as fuse blowing up, load failure, load’s...
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AC & DC 200W Electronic Load
This Electronic Load for DC and AC has some remarkable Features: Input voltage up to 400V Load current up to 10A Power dissipation up to 200W Remote controllable via (isolated USB interface) Suitable for DC and AC 7-segment displays for VRMS and ARMS more...
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Free Elektor Article: Precision Control for DC Motors
This control circuit will provide the correct rotational speed and direction of a 12-V DC motor. Nothing special in that? But there is definitely, when you consider the multitude of potential options for actuating the motor. You can adjust the speed manually with a potentiometer...
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DC slotless motor runs at up to 40,000 rpm
Portescap has expanded its Ultra EC range of brushless DC slotless motors with the introduction of a ultra-high speed 2 pole motor, the 35ECS. The 35mm diameter slotless motor draws up to 330W max imum in continuous operation and sustains speeds up to 40,000 rpm. The new design comes...
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Joulescope: Precision DC Energy Analyzer
Joulescope™ enables designers, engineers, and makers to quickly and easily optimize the energy consumption and battery life of a target device. Joulescope is designed to automatically handle wide current ranges and rapid changes in energy consumption, while allowing the target...
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50V – 10A Bidirectional DC Motor Driver Using A3941
This tiny board designed to drive bidirectional DC brushed motor of large current. DC supply is up to 50V DC. A3941 gate driver IC and 4X N Channel Mosfet IRLR024 used as H-Bridge. The project can handle a load up to 10Amps. Screw terminals provided to connect load and load supply, 9...
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New current sensors have no magnetic circuits
Clemens Valens @ elektormagazine.com discuss about LEM’s new current sensors which do not use the Hall effect make the measurement. Instead they integrate conductors for gradient measurement and provide immunity against the external fields. He writes: Here are some new integrated...
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