Tag: PICkitPlus

PICKitPlus now runs on Linux – The software that uses the Microchip PK2 and PK3 to program new and legacy microcontrollers from Microchip.
We are very pleased to announce the release of the Linux version of PKCMD: PKCMD-LX. This is the Personal Computer version, designed to run on flavours of Linux, both 32 and 64 bit. This was a huge investment by us. But, these are exciting developments for the software as it shows...
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PICKitPlus Team shares more upcoming features for PICKit+ programmer
The PICKitPlus Team shared a few announcements this month with respect to the PICKitPlus software and here is a few upcoming news: Linux version of PKCMD - PKCMD-LX An insight into PKCMD-Pi PICKitPlus updates and release news for Windows Linux version of PKCMD -...
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PICKitAutoWatch: A new application for both the PICKit2 and PICKit3 Programmers
PICKitAutoWatch is a new application and a new approach to programming microcontrollers. PICKitAutoWatch supports both PICkit2 and PICkit3 programmers. The software is feature rich and easy to use via a simple user interface. PICKitAutowatch is the best value for money products if...
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PICKitPlus: PICKitAutoWatch – A new PIC Programming Tool
After 2 years in development, the PICKitPlus team is approaching the completion of their new programming tool called PICKitPlus: AutoWatch. This new tool is designed to facilitate the automatic programming of PIC microcontrollers across a wide range of IDEs and...
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PICkitPlus – A programming software that revitalizes the outdated PICkit2 and PICkit3
Microchip's PICkit2 and PICkit3 are both In-Circuit Debugger/Programmers, designed for programming and debugging Microchip PIC microcontrollers (and occasionally EEPROMs). The PICkit2 programmer was released back in 2005, and allowed the user to program and debug most of the 8 and 16...
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