Tag: signal

ApplePi DAC Audio HAT Add-on For The Raspberry Pi Features 24-bit DAC And A 128dB SNR
Orchard Audio quickly exceeded its $5K Kickstarter goal for its ApplePi DAC HAT board, which it is promoted as “the most advanced and highest performance sound card hat for the Raspberry Pi.” You can order the add-on board from May 13 starting at $175. Options include a $5...
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Fast Single-Pixel Camera
Compressed sensing is an new computational technique to extract large amounts of information from a signal. Researchers from Rice University, for example, have built a camera that can generate 2D-images using only a single light sensor (‘pixel’) instead of the millions of pixels in...
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Simple Circuit converts Step/Dir. signal into to double drive CW/CWW Pulse, Mach3 and few Hobby CNC software’s provides Step/Direction pulse output to drive stepper motor drivers. Various AC servo works with double CW/CCW pulse. This circuit is solution to interface such AC...
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Understanding bioelectricity
by Maurizio @ dev.emcelettronica.com: Our body is built with biological tissue. The tissue that can generate or detect bioelectrical signals is called excitable tissue. Some examples of this tissue (and its cells) are: neurons and muscular tissue. Neurons are responsible of...
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Signal Generation with MATLAB. Example of DTMF in telephony
by Maurizio @ dev.emcelettronica.com: In mathematics a signal is a real function of a real variable f(t). In electronics it represents the evolution of a voltage (or a current) over the time and depends on the performances of the stage of the amplifier. Through a memory buffer,...
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