STMicroelectronics recently unveiled the VL53L8CX, a new Multi-Zone Time-of-Flight (ToF) distance sensor, that has a daylight range of 285cm, a significant improvement over the 170cm range of its predecessor, the VL53L5CX.
In 2021, STMicro first introduced its first multi-zone ToF sensor, that sensor used laser light to measure distances. Improving upon that their latest VL53L8CX sensor features significant upgrades including a greatly enhanced daylight range, overcoming previous constraints caused by bright light conditions.
As mentioned in the intro, the new VL53L8CX sensor offers a 285cm range in full daylight, an improvement from the previous 170cm. While it doesn’t reach the 400cm maximum (according to the datasheet), it achieves this range with lower power consumption, down to 1.6 mW. Additionally, it features a 64-location, 8×8 sensing grid over a 45×45° field, all with a 60Hz frame rate. This capability makes the device suitable for gesture-based systems and allows integration with STM32 AI for hand posture recognition.
This sensor can very accurately measure container contents and liquid levels, making it suitable for autonomous robots and camera autofocus systems. It features SPI connectivity, in addition to the I2C, found in earlier models.
Key Highlights of this VL53L8CX Multi-Zone Time-of-Flight (ToF) Sensor:
- Multizone Ranging: 64 zones for detailed detection.
- Extended Range: Up to 400 cm in dark, 285 cm under ambient light.
- Enhanced Range Over Predecessors: Increased from 170cm in the VL53L5CX model.
- Field of View: 45×45° with 65° diagonal.
- Low Power Use: 1.6 mW in autonomous mode.
- High Frame Rate: 60 Hz capability.
- Ambient Light Immunity: Enhanced performance in bright conditions.
- Multi-Target Detection: In each zone.
- Glass Crosstalk Immunity: Effective beyond 60 cm.
- Versatile Applications: Robotics, smart buildings, liquid level monitoring, gesture recognition, etc.
- Connectivity: Includes SPI and I2C options.
The VL53L8CX can be ordered from STMicro’s website, starting at $8.91 for a single unit and reducing to $3.60 each for orders of 1,000-unit trays.