Tag: Game

Meet the new Arduboy Mini, the size of a coin pocket
The Arduboy Mini is a brand-new handheld gaming system that can be backed on Kickstarter. It is designed to fit into the coin pocket of your jeans, and it is available for purchase there. The layout of the Game Boy served as inspiration for the design of this diminutive gaming console,...
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Arduboy Nano: The Arduboy game shrunk to less than an inch!
Arduino is an open-source electronics platform based on user-friendly hardware and software. Arduino boards are popular among beginners in electronics as well as professionals who use them for easy prototyping. For making an Arduino-based project, all that is needed to be done is...
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uChip VGA 2.0 is an Open hardware DIY retro-gaming console
Itaca Innovation has launched a campaign on Crowdsupply for a DIY open hardware retro-gaming console called uSVC. The uSVC is a simple, DIY game console that enables you to create and play retro-style 8-bit games with standard USB controllers and keyboards. It comes as a kit, so you...
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Meet the New GPD WIN Max Handheld Game Console running Win10
Game consoles are usually smashing hits but the recently announced WIN Max Handheld Game Console from Shenzhen based GamePad Digital (GPD) took things to a new level on Indiegogo as it raised almost 1.4 million dollars in just 24 hours of the campaign launch. The new game console...
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Flydigi Wasp – Innovative One-Handed Gamepad for iPhone
Personalized Mobile Gaming Experience | No Connection Required | Compatible with Fortnite & PUBG As avid mobile gamers of Fortnite and PUBG, we always crave more accurate aiming, better field of view and flexible multi-control. But we know that it’s hard to satisfy all our needs...
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µGame 10 – A Tiny Game Console Unit to Learn Python Programming
If you want to have fun by playing games and also learn about Python Programming language, the µGame console kit might be your best bet. There are some game consoles out there in the market, like Pokitto, Okitto, and others. These game consoles give the ability to play several games and...
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GAME BYTE – Retro gaming system
Game Byte the open source gaming system for creating, sharing, and playing games is live on kickstarter. Over 100 free games. Make your own games. Game Byte is an open source gaming system for creating, sharing, and playing games. It's SMALL! About the size of a credit card and fits in...
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Tic Tac Toe Game with a touch screen and an Arduino Uno
In this Arduino project video educ8s.tv is going to build an Arduino Game, a Tic Tac Toe game with a touchscreen. In this video we are going to build an Arduino Tic Tac Toe game. As you can see, we are using a touch screen and we are playing against the computer. A simple game like...
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