KB-IDE Supports Arduino, ESP32 and others in Dual Style Coding

KB-IDE Supports Arduino, ESP32 and others in Dual Style Coding

Maker Asia is an organization in South East Asia which owns Maker Lab; a place where makers put their creativity in use. They have recently released a new software product and Maker Asia, who have mostly focused on a hardware product line is eventually into a new space. The newly launched...

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Espressif Announces the 
Release of ESP32-S2 Secure Wi-Fi MCU

Espressif Announces the 
Release of ESP32-S2 Secure Wi-Fi MCU

Espressif announces the release of the 
ESP32-S2 Secure Wi-Fi MCU, which is a highly integrated, low-power, 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi Microcontroller SoC supporting Wi-Fi HT40 and 43 GPIOs. Based on Xtensa® single-core 32-bit LX7 processor, ESP32-S2 can be clocked at up to 240 MHz. ESP32-S2 is...

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Using the BLE functionality of the ESP32

Using the BLE functionality of the ESP32

One of the most beautiful features which the ESP32 has over the ESP-12e is the fact that, asides the WiFi, it has two other communication modules onboard. The ESP32 comes with an onboard Classic Bluetooth and Bluetooth Low Energy modules. For today's tutorial, we will explore how the...

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ESP-WROOM-5C is a Side-Mounted ESP8285 WiFi Module

ESP-WROOM-5C is a Side-Mounted ESP8285 WiFi Module

Seems we don't have enough ESP8266 or ESP8285 WiFi modules in the market, and based on an FCC listing, we now know that Espressif Systems has been working on another ESP8285 WiFi module – ESP-WROOM-5C – designed to be side-mounted on a PCB. ESP-WROOM-5C specifications: SoC...

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ESP32- Now With Long Range Wi-Fi

ESP32- Now With Long Range Wi-Fi

Nowadays, Wi-Fi is a word we hear often, and it is a technology that we use all the time. There are around 279 million Wi-Fi hotspots in the world, and in 2021 that number is expected to increase to 542 million hotspots. The wireless nature of this technology allows users to access a...

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The Fourier Analysis –The Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) Method

The Fourier Analysis –The Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) Method

Introduction The Fourier Transform is a mathematical technique that transforms a time-domain signal into its frequency-domain representation. In other words, it decomposes a signal into its frequency components. The result is called the spectrum of the signal. Historically, the...

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The EST-PoE-32 Dev Board Features An Ethernet Port with PoE  Support

The EST-PoE-32 Dev Board Features An Ethernet Port with PoE Support

Everything Smart Technology recently announced the EST-PoE-32 Dev Board, a new addition to their IoT and ESP-based product lineup. This board offers a Power-over-thernet feature along with wireless connectivity and can be used for IoT projects and Smart Home solutions. The board is...

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The Fourier Analysis – Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT)

The Fourier Analysis – Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT)

Introduction Essentially, signals are functions that can be classified into different categories. A signal can be either continuous or discrete, and it can be either periodic or non-periodic. In our ‘Analog to digital conversion’ series of articles, we have seen that it is always...

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