Sonicare toothbrush teardown: microcontroller, H bridge, and inductive charging

Sonicare toothbrush teardown: microcontroller, H bridge, and inductive charging

Ken Shirriff did a teardown of a Sonicare electric toothbrush:

The photos below show the top and bottom of the toothbrush internals. I expected to find a simple, low-cost mechanism, so I was surprised at how much complexity there was inside. The vibration mechanism (right) is built from multiple metal and plastic parts screwed together, requiring more expensive assembly than I expected. The circuit board is literally gold-plated and has a lot of components, even if it doesn’t quite reach Apple’s level of complexity. Overall, the toothbrush’s internal design is high quality (except, of course, for the fact that it quit working, as did an earlier one).

Sonicare toothbrush teardown: microcontroller, H bridge, and inductive charging – [Link]

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