Tag: ATtiny13

ATtiny Flasher: An open-hardware flashing tool for the Atmel ATtiny
Arduino development boards are highly popular among makers and beginners in electronics for their ease of use. The Arduino boards are designed in such a way that making connections to peripherals like sensors and displays is extremely easy. All it needs is a little common sense for...
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Tiny Isolated Dimmer with Linearly Corrected Output
Dimmers provide a way to reduce the power of resistive elements like heaters and light features by changing the waveform of the voltage applied to them. There are different approaches to the development/implementation of dimmers and there are a lot of how-to guides and projects based on...
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TinyRemote Control implements NEC protocol with Attiny13
The ATtiny series of microcontrollers are becoming popular as more people begin to learn about the huge capabilities packed into their tiny form factors and the possibility of easy programming through several modern tools like the Arduino IDE and PlatformIO. As a result of this...
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TinyUPS – Uninterruptible Power Supply based on ATtiny13A
Power interruption has a lot of side effects on projects. Especially projects with heavy processing requirements, it could corrupt the memory of the microprocessor/microcontroller, or lead to significant damage to other parts of the device. To mitigate this, several UPS solutions have...
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MCP4141 based digital potentiometer
Dilshan Jayakody has been working on an open-source hardware project MCP4141 based digital potentiometer, that is available on GitHub. MCP4141 and ATtiny13 based digital potentiometer to replace an existing 3 terminal analog potentiometers. The main objective of this project is to...
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The Cheapest and Simplest Pulse Counter
This counter is made only from an ATtiny13 and LED diodes. Did you ever need a cheap and simple (with one digit only) pulse counter? This is the maximum optimization and simplification. Thanks to Charlie Allen. The Cheapest and Simplest Pulse Counter -...
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Firefly – an annoying little thing
Here's a tiny pcb that produces an annoying sound using a piezo buzzer and a ATtiny13 microcontroller. It uses an LED, piezo buzzer, ATTINY13 Atmel microcontroller, a very small amount of Arduino code, and a coin cell battery that should last about a week. Battery life could be...
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How To Program ATtiny13/ATtiny13a using Arduino IDE
Despite ATtiny series is considered extremely cheap and useful, still there is a lack of projects and tutorials about it. In this tutorial, you will learn how to start building applications using ATtiny13 microcontroller programmed using Arduino IDE. First of all, ATtiny13 is a...
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