Tag: meter

Household Power Consumption IoT Meter with Anti-theft Feature
BSP Embed published a video demonstrating a new project to build a connected device to measure the power consumption of household instruments. The presenter relied in his project on the feature of having a blinking led in modern power meters where each blink means that 1 KWh is...
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Analog Capacitor ESR Tester
TallMan's lab @ runawaybrainz.blogspot.com build a nice looking and simple analog ESR capacitor meter based on a EEVBlog forum topic. I finally got round to making my capacitor ESR tester this week after finding a nice simple 5 transistor version by EEVBlog member Jay_Diddy_B....
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MCU based LED VU Meter
dannyelectronics.wordpress.com discuss about how to build a mcu based LED vu meter and provides sample code. From time to time, I see people trying to build an audio VU meter. In the analog era, that’s typically done with a voltage divider + a series of comparators; or using chips...
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Mini Arduino Lux Meter
Here is a nice build of a LUX meter using BH1750 sensor and a Nokia 5110 LCD. The meter is controlled by an Arduino Pro Mini and is powered by a Li-Ion battery. The LCD backlight is controlled according to environment light and there is graphing capability of the measured light...
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Electricity Frequency Meter
This project is about an accurate mains frequency meter that has a bar-graph displaying the relative deviation from nominal frequency. It can work with 50Hz and 60Hz systems. An article by Dieter Laues in the February 2012 issue of Elektor inspired me to get my soldering iron out....
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Internet-of-Things Power Meter
This is a simple, cheap, easy to build IoT Power Meter that provides accurate statistics on household power consumption: The Internet-of-Things Power Meter (IPM) is a device fixed on top of the regular household power meter that provides detailed information about the electricity...
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FLIR MR160 Thermal Imaging & Moisture Meter Review, Teardown & Experiments
The Signal Path Blog published another video reviewing FLIR MR160 Thermal Imaging & Moisture Meter: In this episode Shahriar takes a close look at the FLIR MR160 Thermal Imaging and Moisture Meter. Featuring Infrared Guided Measurement (IGM) technology powered by a FLIR...
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Capacitance Meter
by ThomasVDD @ instructables.com: Capacitors are vital components in electronics, but sometimes they are broken, or the value printed on the cap has become unreadable. Because my multi-meter does not have a capacitance measurement, I decided to make one! The principle of...
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