ESP8266 + Attiny85 + DHT22 Temperature/Humidity Logger

ESP8266 + Attiny85 + DHT22 Temperature/Humidity Logger

by guibom @

Basic ESP8266 + Attiny85 + DHT22 Temperature and Humidity logger. I’ve made this to experiment a bit with the ESP8266 wifi module, and hopefully make a remote sensor that posts the data to my server.

I wrote the code to work with both an atmega328 and a attiny85. The mcu sleeps in between readings, consuming about 35uA while powered down (the ESP module, even when chip-disabled, is responsable for about 80% of that).

The UDP messages are very specific to my use case; I have a node-red UDP listener that receives JSON strings from the logger and forward them as MQTT messages. But it should be very easy to change it to send whatever you might need.

ESP8266 + Attiny85 + DHT22 Temperature/Humidity Logger – [Link]

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