Open-Source Hardware manufacturing super-power, Seeed Studio recently announced the launch of a new All-in-one Arduino Kit for Beginners.
Designed for both learners and educators, the Grove beginner kit for Arduino aims to make learning Arduino programming fun and simple. According to Seeed, the new kit was designed to help beginners overcome some of the challenges related to learning new things. In their words:
Learning new things is always difficult, and it’s the same for Arduino beginners. You need to learn hardware knowledge, programming code, need to know connection methods of various complex interfaces, and even need to master welding skills. Tons of things are needed before you actually start learning Arduino programming. Well, we feel your pain, so we made the Grove Beginner Kit for Arduino, it will bring you the simplest way to get started with Arduino.
The all-in-one beginner kit for Arduino, powered by an Arduino Uno compatible board (ATmega328p Seeeduino Lotus) comes with 10 additional modules pre-wired on a single PCB and up to 12 step-by-step tutorials that make it ideal and super friendly for beginners and STEAM education. The Grove beginner kit is compatible with over 300 Grove modules that cover a large range of applications and has a plug and play unboxing demo that gives a wonderful experience into all its sensors at a go.
Unlike most kits, the Beginner kit requires no breadboard, soldering, or jumper cables for connection since all modules are already connected to the microcontroller through the PCB stamp holes. However, if you choose to break out the modules and connect them with the Groves cables, you can check the Breakout Guide for a step-by-step guide on how to go about it.
Hardware specifications include:
- MCU unit: 1x ATmega328p Seeeduino Lotus
- Adjustable Rotary Potentiometer
- 1x Grove Air pressure sensor
- Grove OLED Display 0.96” (SSD1315)
- 1x Simple Grove LED module
- 1x Grove Buzzer
- 1x Momentary Push Button
- 1x Temperature and Humidity Sensor (DHT11)
- Light and Sound sensors
- 3-Axis accelerator
- Dimension: 17.69 * 11.64 * 1.88 cm
Meanwhile, the new Grove Beginner kit makes it easy to:
- Learn the basics of Arduino programming,
- Learn the basics and hands-on implementation of open-source hardware systems and projects, and
- Become conversant with the various methods and communication principles of sensors.
The Grove Beginner kit for Arduino is sold for $19.90 with a 4GB USB flash drive giveaway for the first 1000 buyers. The flash drive contains Arduino learning content and support materials for the kit.
More details about getting started with the Grove Beginner kit including documentation and support can be found on the wiki page.